Basic information for the media

Basic information

The exclusive organizer and owner of the all media rights regarding the events organized within the frame of the Project Austerlitz (PA) including the Commemorative events of the battle of Three Emperors at Austerlitz is the PA in cooperation with the Mohyla Miru – Austerlitz, o. p. s. (MMA) and the Central European Napoleonic Society (CENS) represented by the production company Davay Communications, s. r. o. All the permissions concerning the audiovisual records and press accreditations are issued by Davay Communications, s. r. o.

Conditions of accreditation for journalists and media staff

The accrediation allows both the home and foreign journalists:

    • free entrance into the PA events’ localities including the Commemorative events, in case of the main battle re-nactment into the reserved premises so-called pressboxes


    • free entrance by car into the events localities


    • gain PA press releases and other information and materials


    • order sample photographs (amount can be limited)


    1. Accredited journalists will be provided with the pass “PRESS” with the PA logo which is to be carried visibly. The PRESS pass does not allow its holder to enter other, mostly social events held during the particular event.


    1. Accredited can be only journalists covering news or columnists. Other media workers (photographers, TV or broadcasting personel etc.) will be designed with the pass “SERVICE” allowing them the free entrance into the events localities or special reserved premises for the media as well. Also the SERVICE pass must be carried visibly and does not allow its holder to enter other, mostly social events held during the particular event.


    1. The accreditation cannot be claimed for the advertisement and administrative staff and/or employees of firms or companies not publishing the media information.


    1. A member and/or collaborator of the editorial staff must prove its affiliation by the relevant journalist licence and consequently by the authorization of the editor. These documents cannot be substituted by a business card. Freelance journalists must provide the media the collaborate with in the accreditation form.


    1. The accreditation manager can claim the validation of the provided documents. For the printed media it is sufficient to deliver the latest issue with the person claiming the accreditation stated in the imprint.


    1. A journalist can apply for the accreditation in a period prior the particullar event including the Commemorative events.An accreditation for the Commemorative events of the battle of Three Emperors at Austerlitz must be claimed at A business card will not be considered as a valid accreditation document!

Media services offer

We offer to the accredited TV and film productions and photographers the following services concerning the PA events:

    • providing of the local permission within the communities of the Austerlitz battlefield


  • assistance by providing the production incl.