DVD to the bicentennial of the battle of Austerlitz


Project Austerlitz 2005 in cooperation with the production company Davay Communications s. r. o. and Czech Television (as co-producers of TV programs) is going to issue a DVD dedicated to the bicentennial of the battle of Austerlitz. The disk will, i.a. include:
  • record of the course of the battle reconstruction from December 3rd 2005
  • Czech TV documentaries “Cesta praporu” (Way of a flag), “Jak se dela bitva (How to do the battle) and “Austerlitz 1805 – Slavkov 2005”
  • comprehensive collection of photographs from Commemorative events of the battle of Austerlitz 2000-2005
  • selected scientific articles and materials about the history of the battle of Austerlitz and the year 1805

A quality selection and following processing of resources will be quite time-consuming.