International Conference “Austerlitz and Europe”

Theme of the conference :


The  influence of the civilization development since the industrial revolution in Europe in  1805  to the information epoch  in 2005 on the army command and control systems, on the historical research and pedagogical practice, and to the security and political structure of Europe.


Problem circuits :
– The European  war campaigns in 1805  and their military and  political consequences
– Austerlitz, Battle of the Three Emperors
– Napoleonic wars influence to the army and command systems of the European countries at the beginning of the 19th century.
– Automated command and control systems  at the beginning of the 21st century and multimedial support of  the preparation of commanders and staffs for  their exploatation.
– Information technologies in the sphere of historical research and tuition of the history in the European information society.
– Europe in 2005.


The date of the conference :
30th November – 2nd December 2005


The  course of the  conference :


30-11-05  and  1. 12. 05  morning
– Europe in 1805 – the era of industrial revolution
– War  campaign in 1805 and their military and political consequences, the Battle of Austerlitz and its influence to the command and control systems development. The party for VIP and conference participants   in  ” Moravian wine celler”  on  30. 11.05 night. Excursion  of the Austerlitz battlefield  (1.12.05 morning)


1-12-05 afternoon and 2-12-05
– Europe  in  2005 – the era of  information civilization.
The agenda  in  C41  and historical sections – the influence of information technologies on  army command and control systems  development  in nowadays  Armed  Forces  and to historical research and tuition of  history  in  European information society. The Plenary session  devoted to the military and political arrangement of Europe 200 years after the Three Emperors Battle at Slavkov and conclusion of the Conference at  Austerlitz Castle. Raut -table for the participants of the Conference  (1-12-05) Glass  of wine – conclusion of  the Conference  (2-12-05)


The scene of the event :
Army university and training Center in Vyskov,  Austerlitz battlefield and Austerlitz Castle.


Organizer  of the Conference :
Union of the Officers and Warrant officers of the Czech Army (SDaP AČR) the member of  Conféderation Interalliée des Officiers de Réserve (CIOR) NATO, Czech Chapter of  Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Assotiation (the part of AFCEA Europe and  AFCEA  International).


Patronage :
The Chairman of  the Czech  Parliament  (to be confirmed),  The Minister of  Defense  (confirmed),  The Minister of  Foreign Affairs and  the Minister of Culture  (to be confirmed)


The participants  of Conference :
It is planned that  about 100 VIP,  50  active  and 150  others participant will take part.
They are  expected to be:
– the  representatives of NATO, AFCEA, CIOR NATO,  Czech Army
– the representatives of  the Czech Government, Parliament,  Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  Defense,  Education and Culture
– the representatives of  Armed Forces which took part in the Battle at Slavkov,  and  other selected  Armies
– the representatives  of selected  Embassies and  Military Attaches,
– the representatives of  Southmoravian District,  City of Brno and Slavkov
– the representatives of selected Universities and Military Schools of EU and NATO member states and further  selected states [ Russia ]
– sponsors of  Conference and DVD titles  ” Battle at Slavkov”   resp.  ” The pictures from the Czech state history 1914 – 2004
– the professional and  entrepreneurial  public.


MGen. Ing. Stanislav  Chromec, CSc.