The open leter from Etienne Roda, president of the ENS

Dear Visitor,

thank you for visiting this homepage and for your interest in the Battle of Austerlitz. We as ENS are delighted with the opportunity to take part in this really exciting Event. We will try to make a good impression of what happened in Napoleonic times at Austerlitz.

This Event is only made possible due to the immense work of enthusiasts in the organisation and to idealistic sponsors who deserve our thanks. The costs of such an Event will barely be covered by the small entrance fees alone. We will see Reenactment groups from Italy, southern France, England and even Malta. These are idealistic people who will gladly make the long journeys to be part at the Battle of Austerlitz.

These historical Events are remembering that important parts of European history happened in this area. The reconstitution of the Battle of Austerlitz with its enormous international attention will attract worldwide interest in the huge historical heritage of European culture conserved in the Czech Republic. It will also highlight the friendly people and gentle hospitality a visitor will find there.

Since the Battle of Loano 1795/1995, I have always considered it a privilege to have Bohemian and Moravian soldiers under my command. Today they are amongst the very best Napoleonic Reenactors worldwide and are splendid ambassadors of the European spirit which exists in their country.

I am happy that today we can help our Czech friends from so many Campaigns in Germany, Italy, Malta, Great Britain, France etc. over the last 10 years, to create a really excellent European Event of international reputation in their homecountry.

Salut et Fraternité

Etienne Rodá – Général de Division