Today it has been 15 years!


Let us all remember the anniversary of the end of the communist reign over our country. Let us also remember why we do not have to apply for travelling clauses any more and the decisions of your fate are no longer in hands of your local member of the communist party street committee. Yet nothing force us to hide our hobby as 15 years ago. In those days we could be only dreaming about going out in public with out muskets or uniforms and common meetings with our friends all over the Europe on the Austerlitz battlefield seemed to be a pure Utopia. If there were not the November 17th you could probably not be able to read these amateurish but frankly meant lines here. Please, remember all this on your next way to the ballot box, remember that those days must not never return and vote reasonably! For those who do not remember, let the elder ones to tell you about the “bright future” then. I felt it necessary to write these lines as I am currently very concerned about the growing preferences of communists and a declining electoral attendance of our citizens. This is not an agitation but an expression of concern.