
Žuráň Hill, in the area of Podolí, the well-known and historically documented location of the memorable battle, was the field command post of the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte I. It was here, at 8:30 AM on 2 December 1805, that he issued the command to attack the Pratecké Heights. This event is commemorated by an ashlar monument constructed in 1930, which has on its upper surface a bronze relief of the battlefield with all of the armies involved in the conflict just as they were at 7:00 AM, and also the French proclamation before the battle. This is the former French territory of the Czech Republic. In France, Žuráň is called The Emperor’s Height, or Napoleon’s Table. Today it retains its original appearance. For Napoleon, it was a very well selected strategic point for the battle. Žuráň is actually an artificial barrow, a necropolis built of graves from the great tribal migrations of the 5th and 6th centuries of this millennium. Archaeologists discovered various items here as well as unique artistic decorations. The funeral ritual proved Langobard influences, and is evidence of the funereal remains of an important warrior.

On the day before the famous battle, Napoleon I had his headquarters in a gravel pit under Žuráň, in a straw shelter where he also spent the night.